Contact Us
Pentru orice intrebari, trimiteti mail la
Pentru chestiuni urgente, puteti suna la numarul de telefon 0734.725.894, de luni pana vineri intre orele 9:00-19:00.
Modalitatea preferata de plasare a comenzilor este online, dar in unele cazuri este posibila si comanda telefonica.
Pentru mesaje SMS, WhatsApp si Signal, folositi numarul de telefon 0722.290.774.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please send an email at .
This is by far the best way of contacting me and you can also send pictures and attachments etc.
Tel: +40734.725.894 from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
It's much easier for us if orders are placed over the website, as we can process them immediately and pretty much the same day.
Telephone orders take longer to log and process so are not always sent the same day.
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